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Unbiased Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Gold Standard Review

I’m throwing my hat into the ring. Here’s my unbiased Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Gold Standard Review.

If you’re an avid visitor to my site, you already know my thoughts and feelings about blended proteins. NOT. A FAN. With that shared, some blended proteins have scored very by my standards. This protein review is a reader’s request.

As I’ve been doing with the last handful of protein reviews. If you’re in the TL;DR group, here’s my protein video review of Here’s my TL;DR 100% Gold Standard Whey video review

ON Gold Standard

💪 ON Gold Standard Whey: The Real Scoop


In the world of protein powders, ON Gold Standard Whey stands out. From a user’s lens, it’s the go-to for post-workout recovery.

As a certified nutrition expert, I’ve scrutinized its blend – rich in quality with a robust 24g of protein per serving. It’s not just about the numbers; the taste is spot-on, even with water.

Comparing it to others, ON’s mixability and minimal bloating set it apart. Yes, it’s a blend, but one of the best out there.

  • Excellent mixability
  • Wide flavor variety
  • Minimal bloating
  • Uses artificial sweeteners
  • A blended protein, not isolate
Buy Now

As a reviewer with credentials including NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, Precision Nutrition Nutritionist, and CISSN certified by the ISSN, my aim is to provide you with an accurate and unbiased review.

Every product I review is tested personally. I don’t just rely on online research; I use these products in my daily routine. This hands-on experience ensures that my reviews are based on real, practical usage, not just specifications and claims.

The products I choose to review are selected based on reader requests, market relevance, and personal interest. I’m not sponsored by any of the brands featured, which allows me to provide impartial evaluations without any external influence.

I believe in transparency. It’s important to note that our posts may contain affiliate links. Rest assured that these links won’t cost you any extra, but if you choose to make a purchase through them, we may receive a commission. I am also not affiliated with any protein company.

📖 Details of Opitmum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Whey

If you’re someone trying to jumpstart your health and fitness routine. You always read or hear about, “Make sure you’re getting your protein.” What do you think what any rational person is going to do?

You’re going to be like 90% of users. Open your web browser. Most likely going to be Google. Type in “Best protein powders.” You’re going to see all these best of protein lists. In all of those lists, you’re going to see Gold Standard 100% Whey Protein. Obviously, the rank is going to vary.

The chances of you trying an Optimum Nutrition product is going to happen. It’s not going to be now. But, you’re going to try at least one of their products. Protein powder, vitamins, or pre-workouts. You know why I know? Because I’ve tried them all.

What does Optimum Nutrition offer for you for your health and fitness goals?

  • Pre- and post- workout
  • Intra-workout
  • Nighttime recovery
  • Meal replacement and weight loss
  • Strength and endurance
  • Weight gain
  • General health

Everything and anything underneath the sun.

Here’s why ON is regarded as one, if not, the best supplement company in the market. Quality products. Great quality without breaking the bank. Millions upon millions of happy customers.

Here’s another reason why ON advertises their protein as the “Gold Standard.” The practices and steps to ensure the highest of quality protein powders that are mass-produced.

💰 Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Where To Buy

Physical store locations

  • Walmart, $27.94, 22- servings; $1.27 per serving
  • Target, $27.99, 22-servings; $1.27 per serving
  • Walgreens, $32.99, $1.499 per serving
  • GNC, don’t even bother. Especially with the savings.


  • Amazon, $75.95, 70 servings; $1.09 per serving (5% S&S, $1.06 per serving; 10% S&S, .99 per serving)

The most convenient place to shop is going to be direct from Optimum Nutrition. All different sizes and flavors are available direct. Free S&H order above $75. 15% off first order when signing up for monthly newsletter.

Serving sizes range as little as 22 servings (1.5 pounds) as much as 149 servings (10 pounds). The reason for the discrepancy is that different flavors offer different servings per container. I purchased my 1.5 pound container of Vanilla from Walmart, 22 servings. But buying direct from ON, a container of chocolate mint will have 28 servings.

I’ll provide a price breakdown for the 1.5, 5, and 10 pound containers for vanilla ice cream. (15% savings when signing up for monthly newsletter. That 15% savings is only one time.)

  • 1.5 pounds, 22 servings, $33.99, $1.56 per serving ($28.90, $1.31 per serving)
  • 5 pounds, 73 servings, $83.94, $1.14 per serving ($79.74, $1.14 per serving)
  • 10 pounds, 146 servings, $157.99, $1.08 per serving ($134.29, .92 per serving)

😌 Does Optimum Nutrition Offer a Money Back-Guarantee?

There is no money-back guarantee. I personally feel ON’s blended protein powder is one, if not, the highest quality you can purchase. However, if you disagree about the quality of product you received, here is ON’s return policy.

Here is the big caveat about ON’s consumable goods.

Dietary Supplements and other consumable products: Dietary supplements and other consumable product returns are only accepted if it was purchased through or Consumer Affairs for which 75% or more of the product is unused

Price: 9. Gold Standard is universally found everywhere. It’s a great product. Obviously, bigger containers are going to offer the highest savings. Hitting, that $1.00 per serving with “Gold Standard” on the label, you’re getting the best. Your best savings is going to be found at Amazon. However, convience Optimum Nutrition website is going to be the best user experience.

🤯 Gold Standard Amino Acid Profile

Is Optimum Nutrition protein powder a nitrogen spiking amino powder? Nope. If you want the amino acid profile, you can visit here for ON’s amino acid profile.

Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Whey Amino Acid Profile
ON amino acid profile 100% whey

Amino Spiking 10 (not spiked). ON Gold Stanard Whey is a trusted and reputable brand name in the fitness industry. The amino acid profile is solid. No amino spiking.

🤝 Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard How To Shake

1 Scoop of ON Gold Standard mixed with 6 to 8 fl oz of beverage. Shake vigirously with your shaker bottle. The option is available to mix with a spoon if you don’t have a shaker.

No issues shaking ON Gold Standard Whey. It’s thicc when you drink it. No residue on the sides, bottom, or top of the shaker. You can’t ask for anything more!

Protein Shake Mix 10.

🧪 Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Ingredients

You may read other Optimum Nutrition reviews. I get that. You want to be an informed and educated before making a purchase. Some people are going to shy away from artificial flavors and sweeteners. That’s fine.

I’m not going to drop points because ON Gold Standard uses artificial sweeteners and flavors. I will drop points for having an extensive ingredient list and for being a blended protein. Which one of the two do you think is the reason why I dropped a point?

Whey protein ON Gold Standard is a blended protein that uses artificial flavors and sweeteners. The trifecta of

  • Whey protein isolate
  • Whey protein concentrate
  • Hydrolyzed whey protein

That is the reason why ON Gold Standard whey protein didn’t get a 10 out of 10.

So what’s in the list? Protein, emulsifier, thickener, flavoring, and sweeteners. 7 ingredients for vanilla. If you venture into flavor town, that ingredient might be expanded a hair. At the standard size price point, I’m not complaining.

Gold Standard Whey Protein Vanilla Ingredients

Here’s the total ingreident list for Gold Standard Whey protein, vanilla.

Protein Blend (whey protein isolate, whey protein concentrate, hydrolyzed whey protein)A combination of different forms of whey protein, providing a balanced amino acid profile and supporting muscle recovery and growth.
Cocoa Powder (Processed with Alkali)Cocoa that has been treated with an alkaline solution to reduce acidity, used to add flavor and color to the product.
Sunflower and/or Soy LecithinEmulsifiers derived from sunflower or soy, used to improve mixability and texture of the powder.
Natural and Artificial FlavorFlavorings that provide the product’s taste.
Acesulfame PotassiumArtificial sweetener used for sweetness, often added to reduce the sugar content in the product.
Clean and simple ingredient list for ON Gold Standard.

🌍 Where Does Optimum Nutrition Get Their Protein?

I didn’t realize that ON Gold Standard Whey Protein has a seal sharing “ingredients or international and domestic origin.” As a reviewer, I screwed up. This is the reason why I do updates.

I had to contact Optimum Nutrition to get to the bottom of this question, where is Optimum Nutrition protein powder made? I got a simple and honest response from a representative. I appreaciate that.

Unbiased Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100 Isolate Review
Unbiased Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100 Isolate Review
Unbiased Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100 Isolate Review
Unbiased Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100 Isolate Review

Protein Ingredients 9. A nationally recognized brand that has a minimal ingredient list. There’s a reason why ON has “gold standard” written on the packaging.

Updated Protein Ingredients: 7. I failed to recognize that ON Gold Standard Whey own’s a seal. “Made in America with international ingredients.” The major ingredient, whey protein, is sourced from Europe. Even though the rep shared that government standard are meet. It needs to be mentioned.

If you want more information, read Unbiased Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100 Isolate (re)Review.

✅ Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Nutrition Facts, Vanilla Flavor

Serving size 31g

Calories 120

  • Total Fat 1.5g
  • Total Carbohydrate 4g
  • Total Sugars 1g
  • Protein 24g
  • Sodium 130 mg
ON Gold Standard

💪 ON Gold Standard Whey: The Real Scoop


In the world of protein powders, ON Gold Standard Whey stands out. From a user’s lens, it’s the go-to for post-workout recovery.

As a certified nutrition expert, I’ve scrutinized its blend – rich in quality with a robust 24g of protein per serving. It’s not just about the numbers; the taste is spot-on, even with water.

Comparing it to others, ON’s mixability and minimal bloating set it apart. Yes, it’s a blend, but one of the best out there.

  • Excellent mixability
  • Wide flavor variety
  • Minimal bloating
  • Uses artificial sweeteners
  • A blended protein, not isolate
Buy Now

🍗 How Much Protein Does Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Whey Have Per Serving?

24 gram of protein / 31 grams serving size = 77% protein per serving

🍨 Is Optimum Nutrition Whey Protein Gluten and Lactose free?

Gluten free, yes. Lactose free, No. Being sensitive to lactose, I was surprised that the only discomfort I had was mild bloating. What was even more surprising, I had minimal bloating from a three-blend protein powder.

⚖️ Powder Scoop Size

Serving size of ON Gold Standard Whey 100
One serving of ON blended protein

1 scoop of ON 100 Gold Standard Whey is about one serving

Scoop measurement is “about” on serving. Load up on the scoop. As you can see, I had a problem keeping ON Whey protein powder on the scale.

🏋️‍♂️ What is the Best Time to Use Optimum Nutrition Whey Protein?

ON protein powder is good for muscle building and for weight loss. As always, the details are going to be in the nutrition facts.

In regard to using ON protein powder as a meal replacement. There is no fiber. If you double up your servings for a whopping 48 grams of muscle building protein, you may feel hungry within1.5 hours.

As a nutritionist, keep 100 Gold Standard whey as a post workout or anytime protein snack. Your mileage may vary if you’re using 100 gold standard whey as a meal replacement. I’m not saying that 100 gold standard whey won’t work for you as a meal replacement. Just looking at the nutrition facts, it may not keep you full as a meal replacement shake.

How has ON Gold Standard Whey impacted your fitness or health goals? I’d love to hear about your experiences – whether it’s muscle gain, weight loss, or general wellness. Share your stories below

Nutrition Facts 8.

😋 Does Gold Standard Whey Taste Good?

We all know that taste of vanilla. Does ON gold standard whey protein taste like vanilla? Yes.

If you’re not a vanilla fan, Gold Standard Whey comes in 18 different flavors. I know what you’re thinking? Which ON Whey protein powder tastes great with water?

If you’re in need of protein powder ASAP, whatever is in the store is going to taste great. I reached out to ON to see which flavor is commonly purchased. The rep shared that the best Gold Standard Whey flavor with water is…

Best Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Whey Flavor?

I reached out to ON to figure out which flavor of Gold Stanard Whey is the best flavor. The 3 top sellers direct from Optimum Nutrition are…

  • Double Rich Chocolate
  • Strawberries and Cream
  • Banana Cream

Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Whey Flavors

If you want the complete rundown of all 18 flavors, here you go!

Banana CreamChocolate Coconut​Chocolate Hazelnut​Chocolate Malt​Chocolate MintChocolate Peanut Butter
Coffee​Cookies & Cream​Delicious Strawberry​Double Rich Chocolate​Extreme Milk ChocolateFrench Vanilla Creme
​Mocha CappuccinoRocky Road​Strawberries & Cream​Strawberry Banana​Vanilla Ice CreamWhite Chocolate
The amount of flavors available is redic through Optimum Nutrition.

Have you tried any of these ON Gold Standard flavors? Drop your favorite flavor in the comments and let me know if there’s one I should try next! Your input helps everyone find their perfect match.

Flavor: 9. Flavor is as advertised. It’s impressive to see a wide variety of flavor profiles for anyone’s flavor pallet. There is no chalky or gritty feeling. No weird pharmacutical taste. It’s thicc like a malted shake. I’m almost finished with my 22-serving container. Vanilla didn’t over stay it’s welcome.

🎬 Is Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Whey Good?

Is Gold Standard whey good?

Oh, yea! For a blended protein, ON Gold Standard Whey has a lot of positives!

🥇 Multiple price points to fit any budget
🥇 18 different flavors
🥇 Mixes like a boss
🥇 Available nearly anywhere that sells supplements
🥇 Minimal or no bloating
😒 My only gripe is that it’s a blended protein. In that same statement…

🙌🏽 You’re getting the best blended protein in the market. 🙌🏽

Agree with my review or have a different take on ON Gold Standard Whey? Let’s start a conversation! Comment below with your thoughts, and let’s discuss what makes a protein powder truly stand out for you.

ON Gold Standard

💪 ON Gold Standard Whey: The Real Scoop


In the world of protein powders, ON Gold Standard Whey stands out. From a user’s lens, it’s the go-to for post-workout recovery.

As a certified nutrition expert, I’ve scrutinized its blend – rich in quality with a robust 24g of protein per serving. It’s not just about the numbers; the taste is spot-on, even with water.

Comparing it to others, ON’s mixability and minimal bloating set it apart. Yes, it’s a blend, but one of the best out there.

  • Excellent mixability
  • Wide flavor variety
  • Minimal bloating
  • Uses artificial sweeteners
  • A blended protein, not isolate
Buy Now

💥 Gold Standard 100% Whey Protein Alternatives

As I shared, ON Gold Standard whey protein is a three protein blend. What blended proteins are similar to ON Gold Standard whey?

Pure Choice Farms vs Opitumum Nutrition

If none of the protein powders are purchase worthy. I did a full protein versus of Pure Choice Farms vs Opitumum Nutrition.

If you don’t want to click the link with each unbiased protein review, I’ll share my spark notes with each of the proteins.

Spark Notes Review of Spartan Whey Protein

This review of Spartan Whey was done in 2020. With the crazy prices on protein powders and my update metrics for my protein reviews, I need to do an unbised protein (re)Review of Spartan Whey protein in 2023. Here’s why: How do you have a multi-stage absorption protein?!?

In my original review…

  • Great breakdown of percentages of each blended protein
  • More servings per container when compared to the industry leader
  • Crazy specific details of ingredients
  • Flavor was above average
  • Why have 3g of casein
  • Not an amino spiked protein (amino acid profile provided)

Spark Notes Review of MTN OPS Magnum Protein

  • 11 different flavors
  • Mixes great
  • Why have 1.5g of Glutamine and 1g of egg whites when it’s not an effective dose?
  • Every purchase provides a meal for a child
  • Not an amino spiked protein (amino acid profile provided)

Spark Notes Review of Alani Nu Protein

  • Comparable in-store price per serving to the industry leader
  • After requesting an amino acid profile, one was not provided (questionable amino spiking)
  • Above average ingredient list
  • Digestive enzymes to help aid in digestion and any digestion discomfort

Which Blended Protein Powder is the Best?

If price wasn’t an option, Optimum Nutrition protein powder is going to win based off of previous reviews. Spartan Whey does give ON a run for its money. Here’s why ON is the superior protein

  • More flavor choices
  • More price point choices
  • Can be purchased in a majority of brick-and-motar stores
  • No misleading marketing information

Winner: Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Whey Protein

🎼 ON Gold Standard 100 Whey Protein Review Score

Price 9 out of 10
Amino Spiking 10 out of 10 (not spiked)
Protein Shake Mix 10 out of 10
Protein Ingredients 9 out of 10 7 out of 10 (Protein source is from Europe.)
Nutrition Facts 8 out of 10
Flavor 9 out of 10

Overall Score 55/60, 92% Industry Leader
New Overall Score 53/60, 88%, Good