🆚 Which is Better R1 Protein Vs R1 Whey Blend?

In this R1 protein vs. R1 whey blend match, I will share my thoughts: Where should you purchase these protein powders? What type and when should you use them? What is the comparison of ingredients (and are there any side effects)? Are they amino-spiked? Are they worth your money?

I have personal experience using and reviewing all of Rule1’s protein powders. The only protein powders I have yet to use by Rule1 are their casein and plant-based protein. Let’s get into this R1 Protein vs R1 Whey Blend comparison. 

In the R1 Protein vs. R1 Whey Blend comparison, R1 Protein is the better protein based on nutrition facts and ingredients. R1 Whey Blend is a more affordable protein if you can tolerate the higher amount of lactose. Based on my personal use of both, I experienced more bloating issues with R1 Whey Blend.

One last thing to note: I do not recommend either R1 Protein powder because both are amino-spiked. Depending on which protein powder you select, the true amount of protein per serving may be as low as 15 grams or up to 20 grams.

I go into detail examining how I found out that Rule 1 Protein powders are amino spiked.

🏋️‍♂️ Hi everyone! I’m a fitness and weight loss expert with various certifications—NSCA-CSCS, C-ISSN, Precision Nutrition Level 1, and Certified Online Trainer. My extensive knowledge and experience in the field of fitness and nutrition equip me to guide your fitness journey effectively and reliably.

🍏 My goal is to simplify the complex world of fitness and nutrition. Think of me as your knowledgeable yet relatable fitness ally, ready to make your health goals achievable and fun.

👍 My content is designed for everyone, whether you’re just starting or a gym veteran. Let’s work together to make your fitness journey both successful and enjoyable!  

🍏 What Kind of Protein is Rule 1?

Rule1 offers multiple protein types: blended, isolate, seven protein sources, mass gainer, casein, and plant-based. The questions in this R1 Protein vs R1 Whey Blend are

  • What is the primary protein source found in R1 Protein?
  • How many protein types are found in the R1 Whey Blend?

Based on my background as a sports supplementation specialist and nutritionist, R1 Protein is a two-source protein isolate. R1 Whey Blend is a three-protein blend of whey protein concentrate and two protein isolates (isolate and hydrolyzed isolate.)

Begging the question, why offer two very similar protein powders? Before answering that question, let’s determine whether these protein powders will effectively lose weight or stimulate muscle protein synthesis.

👍 Are Rule 1 Proteins Good for Weight Loss?

There is no denying that protein in whole foods (chicken, beef, dairy products, and fish) is part of a weight-loss diet. The reason why high protein diets are helpful for weight loss is because of their high satiety. 

I have an article examining the best way to use protein powder for weight loss. In that article, I discuss which protein powder will keep you full the longest and share six tips for avoiding common protein mistakes.

Due to the protein sources whey protein concentrate and isolate, Rule1 proteins will not keep you satiated for long by themselves. However, supplementing and enriching Rule1 protein powders in other foods like yogurt, smoothies, and oatmeal. Rule1 Proteins could be a great way to help jumpstart your metabolism with a calorie deficit program. 

As shared, a calorie deficit is essential for weight loss. Losing weight is difficult for everyone. If you want a great resource on staying full while in a calorie deficit, look at my article examining healthy fats for satiety

💰 What is the Price of Rule 1 Protein Powders?

Let’s examine the price of this R1 Protein vs R1 Whey Blend.

Buying directly from the supplement company usually means the best pricing due to continuous sales. However, S&H and handling come into play, and that big blowout sale doesn’t necessarily mean the best value.

Let’s examine purchasing directly from Rule1 and Amazon. 

🛒 Direct Rule 1 Protein Prices

Are you getting the best value when buying directly from Rule 1? Here are some things to consider: routine sales that may net you 25% off, access to all the flavor selections, sizing options, and loyalty rewards. 

However, here are the cons of buying directly from Rule 1.

  • To get free S&H, you need to spend at least $100.
    • S&H is $9.99 per order
  • Depending on your flavor purchase, you may receive more or less servings.
  • Are you getting a high-quality protein powder?
SizeR1 Protein (R1 Whey Protein Isolate)R1 Whey Blend
1 pound$29.99$21.99
2 Pounds$55.99$42.99
5 Pounds$124.99$87.99
10 Pounds$229.99$169.99

📦 R1 Protein Amazon

Amazon is always a great alternative if you’re hesitant about purchasing from Rule 1. Here’s why: Free 2-day shipping if you’re a Prime Member and lower off-sale pricing.

You may not receive all the flavors and sizing options. But compared to off-sale pricing for Rule 1, the price will be cheaper, especially if you factor in the S&H.  

I can’t stress this enough: you will not have access to all the flavors and sizing options through Amazon. The prices and sizes listed below include the lowest-priced item. 

Full disclosure: I’m an Amazon Affiliate. If you purchase through my Amazon link, I may receive a small commission without an increased price to you. 

SizeR1 Protein (R1 Whey Protein Isolate)R1 Whey Blend
27 Servings$50.00$27.90
66 Servings$78.00$49.00
134 Servings$144.24$97.00

When compared to Rule 1, Amazon is the best place to purchase R1 protein, especially if you’re not sure if you’ll enjoy the flavor you picked or if you’re receiving a high-quality protein. 

Overall, in this R1 Protein vs. R1 Whey Blend face-off, R1 Whey Blend has the most appealing price. Let’s get into an ingredient comparison. 

📋 What Are the Ingredients Found in R1 Post-Workout Protein Powder?

So far, in this R1 Protein vs R1 Whey Blend comparison, we discovered that Amazon is the best place to purchase Rule 1 Protein. However, if you’re committed to receiving the best value, buying in bulk directly from Rule 1 is your best bet. 

Unbiased R1 Whey Protein Review
The ingredients list in Rule 1, Whey Protein Isolate, is minimal, but Rule 1 doesn’t share the complete list.
Unbiased R1 Whey Blend Protein Review
The ingredient list for R1 Whey Blend by Rule 1 Protein doesn’t seem to be correct for the amount of protein per serving and the number of BCAAs per serving.

We also know in this comparison that in conjunction with a calorie deficit, your R1 Proteins may be beneficial in helping you stay full longer. Let’s examine the ingredient profile of both protein powders to see which Rule1 protein is superior.

R1 Protein(R1 Whey Protein Isolate)R1 Whey Blend
Protein SourceIsolate and Hydrolyzed Isolate (2)Whey Protein Concentrate, Isolate, and Hydrolyzed Isolate (3)
FlavoringNatural and Artificial Flavors, Salt(could be more depending on flavor)Natural and Artificial Flavors, Salt(could be more depending on flavor)
Emulsifier SoySoy & Cellulose Gum, Xanthan Gum
Artificial SugarsSucralose & Acesulfame PotassiumSucralose & Acesulfame Potassium

If you’re looking for a protein powder with the fewest ingredients and a budget that fits, R1 Protein is a great choice. With only two primary protein sources and fewer ingredients, R1 Whey Protein Isolate is the superior choice. 

Unbiased Rule 1 Source 7 Protein Review
The internationally sourced ingredient is always whey protein. That’s how some protein powders are cheap.

I have to mention that all the R1 powders I’ve used are made in the USA with internationally sourced ingredients. Sometimes, using internationally sourced ingredients may affect the protein quality you receive. I’ll share more in ‘Does Rule 1 Amino Spike?’

❗️ What Are the Rule 1 Protein Side Effects?

I’ve used both R1 Whey Protein Isolate and R1 Whey Blend. I’m very lactose intolerant. Here is what is excellent about R1 Whey Protein Isolate. 

R1 Protein has lower amounts of lactose than R1 Whey Blend. R1 Whey Blend has whey protein concentrate, leading to higher lactose amounts. Soy is present in both protein powders, which may cause another level of mild digestive issues. 

Suppose you’re someone who has issues digesting lactose. I wrote an article examining whether whey isolate is low lactose. I provide a detailed breakdown examining different whey protein powders and the amount of lactose in each protein. Furthermore, I even provide a protein isolate recommendation that is virtually lactose-free. 

🔍 Comparing Nutrition Facts Between R1 WPI and Blend

So far, in this matchup of R1 Protein vs R1 Whey Blend, R1 Whey Protein Isolate is the superior protein powder. Here’s why: lower amounts of lactose. If you can’t afford R1 Protein, R1 Whey Blend is an okay choice if you’re not lactose intolerant and willing to. 

Unbiased R1 Whey Protein Review
Nutrition facts for Rule 1 Protein’s Chocolate Fudge.
Unbiased R1 Whey Blend Protein Review
R1 Whey Blend nutrition facts for Mint Chocolate Chip.

Let’s examine the nutrition facts for R1 Protein and R1 Whey Blend. 

R1 Protein(R1 Whey Protein Isolate)R1 Whey Blend
Serving Size32 grams35.5 grams
Total Fat.5 grams2.5 grams
Sodium60 mg65 mg
Total Carbohydrate 3 grams5 grams
Dietary Fiber1 gram1 gram
Total Sugars0 gram1 gram
Protein25 grams24 grams

When examining nutrition facts, I look at serving size, calories, and the amount of protein per serving. I calculate the protein per serving by dividing it by the total serving to get a percentage. 

R1 Protein: 25 grams of protein / 32-gram serving size = 78% Protein per Serving
R1 Whey Blend: 24 grams of protein / 35.5-gram serving size = 68% Protein per Serving

Based on the nutrition facts, R1 Protein offers a more concentrated amount of protein, yielding higher protein percent per serving, with fewer calories, total fats, and total carbohydrates. However, if you’re on a budget and can afford the calories, R1 Whey Blend is an okay alternative. 

There are some things to consider when examining the R1 Protein vs R1 Whey Blend debate.

  • Dietary and digestive issues
  • Budget constraints
  • Protein quality (a recurring theme I’ve been mentioning throughout this comparison)

Let’s examine the protein quality between R1 Protein vs R1 Whey Blend

❓ Does Rule 1 Amino Spike?

All Rule 1 Protein powders have a version of an amino acid profile. I say version because it’s not a genuine amino acid profile. 

Unbiased R1 Whey Protein Review
This is the “amino acid” profile printed on containers of R1 Whey Protein Isolate.
Unbiased R1 Whey Blend Protein Review
Rule 1 Protein claims no amino spiking WITHOUT providing specific measurements of all amino per serving.

A genuine amino acid profile will list all essential and non-essential amino acids with a specific weight. An amino acid profile is vital to gauge the protein quality you purchase and discover if a protein powder is potentially amino spiking. 

official amino acid profile for Dymatize ISO100
An official amino acid profile for ISO 100, from Dymatize. This is an example of a true amino acid profile.

Based on research and reviewing the majority of Rule 1 protein powders, Rule 1 does amino spike. Here’s why: Rule 1 will not share an amino acid profile because their protein powders have a “proprietary blend.” Proprietary blended protein powders are protein spiked. 

Borrowing a quote from 4gauge.com’s article “What Are Proprietary Blends and Why Should You Avoid Them.”

Your supplement could be under-dosed, contain inadequate levels of key ingredients, or even contain banned substances. We strongly advise you avoid proprietary blends and choose something from a more trustworthy manufacturer that is happy to be transparent with their ingredients.

Direct quote from “What Are Propreitary Blends and Why Should You Avoid Them.”
Unbiased R1 Whey Protein Review
This is the reply from R1 Protein with the same amino profile. Rule 1 can’t share an amino acid profile because it’s a “propriety blend.”

Low-quality protein powders commonly purchase low-quality protein from international distributors. In turn, they artificially add protein peptides and/or BCAAs, paying less for protein and inflating the list amount of protein per serving.

What is listed as 25 grams of protein in R1 Whey and R1 Whey Blend at 24 grams per serving is 20 grams of protein per serving to as low as 16 grams of whole protein per serving. 

How do I know that Rule 1 Amino spikes? 

By doing a leucine analysis of Rule 1’s now discontinued Pro6. I’ll share more in the review section. Let’s figure out how many scoops you need of R1 Protein to stimulate muscle growth. 

🥄 How Many Scoops of Rule 1 Protein Post-Workout?

So far, in this R1 Protein vs R1 Whey Blend comparison, we know that R1 protein is better utilized with other foods to help you stay full. Being in a calorie deficit and adding into mixable foods, R1 protein could help you stay full. 

We also learned that R1 Protein is a two-source protein isolate, while the R1 Whey Blend adds whey protein concentrate in conjunction with the two-source protein isolate. R1 proteins will be digested within 60 minutes, making them ideal post-workout proteins. How many scoops of Rule 1 Protein post-workout?

Research suggests that you need at least 3 grams of leucine with 25 grams of protein to stimulate muscle protein synthesis. After numerous attempts and requests to obtain an amino acid profile from Rule 1, the amount of leucine and protein quality are being questioned. A minimum of 1.5 scoops post-workout should be enough to stimulate muscle growth. 

If we cannot obtain an amino acid profile from Rule 1, how did I calculate the amount of leucine in either R1 Protein or R1 Whey Blend?

Let’s examine my R1 Pro6 Protein review.

Unbiased R1 Pro6 Protein Review
Unbiased R1 Pro6 Protein Review

📝 Rule 1 Protein Reviews

In my R1 Pro6 protein review, I created a Typical BCAA Percentage in Protein Powder table. Here is the academic article examining BCAA percentages in protein powders.

Since we know the exact amounts of proteins used in Pro6, I calculated the amount of leucine found in Pro6, 2.04 grams. Using the 2:1:1 ratio of BCAAs to stimulate muscle growth, here is the total amount of BCAAs found in Pro6.

Pro6 BCAA Profile
Leucine2.04 grams
Isoleucine1.02 grams
Valine1.02 grams
The three amino acids you need to examine in protein powders are the BCAAs: Leucine, Isoleucine, and Valine. Dr. Jim Stomppani suggests that the best BCAA ratio is 2:1:1 to stimulate muscle growth. Leucine should be twice as much as isoleucine and valine.

What does that mean for the other protein powders’ amino spiking and protein quality? If Pro6 is a spiked protein, then what are the chances that R1 Protein, R1 Whey Blend, and R1 Source 7 are spiked proteins?

The chances of all of Rule 1 Protein powders being spiked are good.

I’ve shared this information in all of my R1 Protein reviews. Here are the links if you’re interested. 

❔ What’s the Difference Between Rule 1 WPI and Blend?

What is the difference between Rule 1 WPI and Blend? I have you covered. 

As a general rule, R1 Whey Protein (Rule 1 WPI) is a two-source whey protein isolate that offers fewer calories, total carbs (less lactose), and total fats. On the other hand, Rule 1 Whey Blend offers more calories, carbs, and fat. Due to the higher filtration in Rule 1 WPI, WPI is more expensive than Whey Blend. 

As I’ve shared throughout this R1 Protein vs R1 Whey Blend, if you are lactose intolerant, go with R1 Protein. 

🤔 How Good is Rule 1 Whey Protein?

If you’re in the market for a budget-priced protein, Rule 1 Whey Protein could be a good choice. However, there are some significant concerns.

As a whole, Rule 1 Whey Protein is neither a good protein nor a transparent label. If you aim to increase your daily protein intake, Rule 1 may work. However, look elsewhere if you aim to recover from a challenging workout and stimulate muscle protein synthesis. 

Rule 1 could be a choice for some people in a sea of budget-priced protein. However, I recommend going through Amazon first and trying it in the short term before putting an earnest down payment on a larger container. 

🔚 Conclusion

In conclusion, R1 Protein is superior to R1 Whey Blend because it offers fewer digestive issues, calories, total fat, and total carbohydrates (meaning less lactose). 

However, if you’re one of the gifted ones who can drink milk without digestive issues, R1 Whey Blend is a lower-priced option offering 1 gram less protein per serving. 

As a whole, using any R1 Protein for post-workout nutrition is not endorsed due to all of Rule 1 protein powders being spiked. I would look elsewhere for a transparent protein label about the protein quality found in their product. 

📚 Sources

4 Gauge – Best Pre Workout without the Jitters or Crashes. (n.d.). 4 Gauge. http://4gauge.com/

Godman, H. (2013, May 1). Extra protein is a decent dietary choice, but don’t overdo it. Harvard Health. https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/extra-protein-is-a-decent-dietary-choice-but-dont-overdo-it-201305016145

Kremmer, J. (2023, November 15). Shedding Pounds with a Scoop: The Protein Powder Weight Loss Revolution. JKremmer Fitness. https://jkremmerfitness.com/post/best-way-to-use-protein-powder-for-weight-loss/

Kremmer, J. (2024a, April 21). 🚫 Understanding the best whey protein for lactose intolerance. JKremmer Fitness. https://jkremmerfitness.com/post/is-whey-isolate-low-lactose/

Kremmer, J. (2024b, April 21). Post Workout Exercise Nutrition Revenge: How to Crush Your ‘Ex’ Fast with Intermittent Fasting. JKremmer Fitness. https://jkremmerfitness.com/post/post-workout-nutrition-and-intermittent-fasting/#Healthy_Fats_for_Satiety

Stark, M., Lukaszuk, J. M., Prawitz, A. D., & Salacinski, A. J. (2012). Protein timing and its effects on muscular hypertrophy and strength in individuals engaged in weight-training. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 9(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/1550-2783-9-54

Stoppani, J. (2013, March 19). Best BCAA Ratio. Jim Stoppani. https://www.jimstoppani.com/supplements/best-bcaa-ratio/