Optimum Nutrition 100% Isolate Protein Review
Ever wondered if Optimum Nutrition’s 100% Isolate lives up to the hype? As a long-time user and fitness expert, here’s my review.
Recent Opitmum Nutrition 100% Isolate Review.
Before further reading, I have an updated Optimum Nutrition 100% Isolate Protein review.
In the most recent review, ON Gold Standard Isolate earned an 81%. Here are the reasons why: it has no amino acid profile, and the protein is sourced from Europe.
If you’ve been an avid reader of JKremmer Fitness Protein Reviews, you know I recently reviewed Optimum Nutrition’s Performance Whey Isolate. Here’s an excerpt.
As stated, I’ve been using ON protein powders for a decade. Is it the best powder on the market, depends on your goals and money. Here are my issues: it can be pricey and we don’t have access to a detailed aminio acid profile. But if you’re in the market for isolates, you already know you’re going to pay a little more for more protein, fewer calories, and a lactose-free product. It’s a solid recommendation.
JKremmer Fitness
Let’s get into the Optinum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% isolate review.

🌟 Optimum Nutrition 100% Isolate Protein Review
As a fitness aficionado, I’ve put Optimum Nutrition’s 100% Isolate Protein through its paces.
Known for its exceptional purity, this protein offers a premium blend that stands out in the crowded market.
Its filtration process is a game-changer, ensuring you get maximum protein with minimal extras.
Every scoop delivers a high-quality protein punch, with impressive mixability and a taste that’s royalty among protein powders.
- Top-notch filtration process
- Rich, satisfying flavors
- Easy mixing, no clumps
- Ideal for lactose sensitivities
- Premium price
- Limited flavor options
🌟 As a certified expert in strength, conditioning (NSCA), nutrition (Precision Nutrition, CISSN), I bring a hands-on, unbiased approach to my protein reviews. My insights come from personal use, not just research, ensuring you get real-world feedback on each product.
👥 I choose products for review based on your requests, their relevance, and my genuine interest. This isn’t influenced by brand sponsorships, allowing me to maintain impartiality.
💼 Transparency matters to me: while I may use affiliate links, they don’t cost you extra. Purchases made through these links might earn me a small commission, but they don’t sway my opinions or the integrity of my reviews.
🔍 Rest assured, my focus is on providing clear, honest reviews to help you make informed decisions.
Gold Standard (Iso100) can be purchased direct from ON’s website or at GNC. This product can NOT be purchased via Amazon.
Price difference between the two websites is about upmost a $2 difference. It’s just a matter if you want to pay for S&H or hit the minimum to get free S&H.
I purchased the 24 serving container at GNC.
- 24 servings, $29.99, $1.25 per serving
- 44 servings, $49.99, $1.13 per serving
You can save an additional 10% by signing up for monthly recurring shipments at GNC.
With Iso100, you’re also getting the cleanest protein possible due to ON’s protein powder creation process. You’re getting a protein powder that is getting stripped down of any excess fillers, ingredients, and minimal lactose. I’ve used all ON’s isolate proteins, never had any GI issues.
Value: I can either slap a 7 or a 9. This could be a 7. How many times have you read, “we only use the highest quality protein and industry recognized practices?” On the other hand, this can be a 9 (or even a 10). This is ON, and this protein is THE STANDARD in the fitness supplement industry. 9.
Protein Spiking
Wondering about protein quality? Iso100 boasts 5.5g of natural BCAAs per serving, ensuring you’re getting top-notch protein without any spiking tricks.
If you didn’t know, nitrogen based compounds are used to spike and artificially enhance the amount of protein per serving. Here’s another pro-tip when looking for spiked protein powders, those nitrogen components will be listed in the ingredients list.
Protein Spiking: 10, this product is not spiked. None of the nitrogen components are listed in the ingredient list. If you want more information on the quality of ON’s product, visit here.
2023: I contacted ON about an official amino acid profile for 100% isolate. Here’s the response…

The filtration process doesn’t get mentioned enough in protein powders. It eliminates unnecessary fillers, removes lactose, purifies the protein, and it helps with mixing the protein powder.
Pro tip from my experience: Despite the 30-second shake recommendation, I found 5 seconds with water does the job perfectly.
When you use water, it’s a simple 5-second shake. That’s it. What about nut milks? You might need 15-seconds. Of course, the ultimate test is always whole milk. No problems at all. No clumps, no residue on the side of the bottle. No semi-formed clumps at the top of the shaker.
Mixability: 10. If a label states “Gold Standard” it better represent that title. Hands down one of the best experiences mixing.

🌟 Optimum Nutrition 100% Isolate Protein Review
As a fitness aficionado, I’ve put Optimum Nutrition’s 100% Isolate Protein through its paces.
Known for its exceptional purity, this protein offers a premium blend that stands out in the crowded market.
Its filtration process is a game-changer, ensuring you get maximum protein with minimal extras.
Every scoop delivers a high-quality protein punch, with impressive mixability and a taste that’s royalty among protein powders.
- Top-notch filtration process
- Rich, satisfying flavors
- Easy mixing, no clumps
- Ideal for lactose sensitivities
- Premium price
- Limited flavor options
Ingredient Profile
In the protein spiking section, I mentioned that if a nitrogen based component is listed in the ingredient list, it’s a certain sign that the product is spiked. So what’s in the ingredient list?
The unscientific list: protein, protein, flavoring, thickening agent, sugar.
The actual list: Hydrolyzed whey protein isolate, whey protein isolate, natural and artificial flavor, lecithin, sucralose.
Ingredient Profile: 10. A total of 5 ingredients was used to create this protein. Can it get better than this? Some people might knock this product due to the artificial flavor (please). Any time I see 8 ingredients or fewer, it’ll usually get a 10.
Macro Composition
This is also where the filtration process of the protein comes into play. Iso100 uses both hydrolyzed and ultra-filtered isolate. This process helps remove and separate excess fat, cholesterol, lactose, and carbs. In return, this product is JUST isolate. Hence,100% isolate.
What does this mean for the nutritional content of this protein?
Serving size is 30g
- Calories 100
- Total Fat 0g
- Sodium 80mg
- Total Carbs 1g (1g Sugar)
- Protein 25g
Macro Composition: 10. Are there isolates in the market that have a higher amount of protein per serving? Yes. But if you look at the big picture, 1 scoop is 30g. 84% of this product is protein. You’re not getting loaded down with sodium, carbs, or fat to bump the calorie intake (or make the product taste better). You’re receiving a protein that has been stripped down to protein.
As stated in the section above, some supplement companies will add carbs, fats, or sodium to make their protein taste great (Orgain or BSN). Or you get a true isolate but has a mild or has a hint of flavor (Pure Choice). What makes Iso100 awesome is that it doesn’t lack in flavor. It actually punches your taste buds and i’ts to the point.
When you think of “Rich Vanilla” it needs to be RICH in vanilla. Believe me, this isn’t a dollar store vanilla. This isn’t a generic vanilla yogurt. This vanilla taste makes you feel like the King (or Queen) of Vanilla Town. You’re the mayor of Vanilla Town.
Flavor: 10. When you taste this vanilla, you feel like a King or Queen of the castle. The flavor is pronounced, your taste buds will be on the floor. The flavor will not stop until you finish the shake. With your taste buds tapping out.
Final Thoughts
Alright, let’s wrap this up with a bang, just like we like it!
Optimum Nutrition isn’t just playing in the supplement game; they’re leading the charge. Three decades in the biz, and they’re still sitting pretty on the throne.
Calling themselves the ‘Gold Standard’? That’s not just talk – they walk the walk. The label’s gold, but so is the quality inside.
Shelling out a few extra bucks for this golden goodness? Absolutely worth it. You’re not just buying protein; you’re investing in a legacy of quality. The filtration process? Top-tier. Those macros? They’re like winning the nutrition lottery. And the taste – hello, welcome to Vanilla Town, where every sip is a royal treat!
Sure, there might be other isolates strutting around the market. But it’s like comparing a diamond to glitter – ON’s Iso100 is the real deal. You want a protein that’s been through the wringer of quality control and come out gleaming? This is it.
So, what’s the verdict? ON’s Iso100 isn’t just another protein powder. It’s a statement. A statement that says, “I’m serious about my gains, and I don’t settle for less.” If you’re chasing the best, well, you’ve just caught it. ON stands unchallenged, a true leader in a sea of contenders. In the world of supplements, this is as good as gold – literally!

🌟 Optimum Nutrition 100% Isolate Protein Review
As a fitness aficionado, I’ve put Optimum Nutrition’s 100% Isolate Protein through its paces.
Known for its exceptional purity, this protein offers a premium blend that stands out in the crowded market.
Its filtration process is a game-changer, ensuring you get maximum protein with minimal extras.
Every scoop delivers a high-quality protein punch, with impressive mixability and a taste that’s royalty among protein powders.
- Top-notch filtration process
- Rich, satisfying flavors
- Easy mixing, no clumps
- Ideal for lactose sensitivities
- Premium price
- Limited flavor options
Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Isolate Final Review
Value 9 out of 10
Protein Spiking 5 out of 10 (questionable)
Mixability 10 out of 10
Ingredient Profile 10 out of 10
Macro Composition 10 out of 10
Flavor 10 out of 10
Overall Score 59/60, 98% A+
Overall Score 54/60, 90% (re)Review in the future