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1 Old School Labs Vintage Brawn Protein Review

Old School Labs Vintage Brawn Protein Review

I have never read a Vintage Brawn Protein review. Or have I heard about Old School Labs. The only reason why I know about this brand is that I got targeted by social media advertising. Here’s my Old School Labs Protein Review.

Old School Labs protein, Vintage Brawn, has an amazing money-back guarantee! Read why Vintage Brawn is not worth your money.

🏋️‍♂️ Vintage Brawn Review: Blend or Bluff? 🤔


Vintage Brawn from Old School Labs mixes egg, milk, and beef proteins, but it’s not all gold.

The beef protein,collagen, falls short in muscle-building efficiency compared to other proteins.

Vintage Brawn is a thick, chalky shake with unique flavors like Lemon Cheesecake and Tiramisu.

Label claims of 24g protein per serving are misleading; it’s more like 16g, thanks to the collagen content.

However, it’s free from artificial ingredients, offering a natural choice. The price is steep, but they offer a money-back guarantee.

  • Unique flavor options
  • Natural ingredients
  • Money-back guarantee
  • Misleading protein content
  • Collagen less effective for muscle building
  • Thick and chalky texture
  • High price per serving
Buy Now

As a reviewer with credentials including NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, Precision Nutrition Nutritionist, and CISSN certified by the ISSN, my aim is to provide you with an accurate and unbiased review.

Every product I review is tested personally. I don’t just rely on online research; I use these products in my daily routine. This hands-on experience ensures that my reviews are based on real, practical usage, not just specifications and claims.

The products I choose to review are selected based on reader requests, market relevance, and personal interest. I’m not sponsored by any of the brands featured, which allows me to provide impartial evaluations without any external influence.

I believe in transparency. It’s important to note that my posts may contain affiliate links. Rest assured that these links won’t cost you any extra, but if you choose to make a purchase through them, we may receive a commission.I am also not affiliated with any protein company.

Old School Labs Vintage Brawn Protein Review – Details

One of the things that really surprised me about this brand is that their products “never use artificial ingredients, sweeteners, colors, or useless additives.”

Looking through their product catalog, Old School Labs offers the standard fare of supplements: protein powder, preworkout, BCAAs, fat burners, etc. Old School Labs only has one protein powder, Gold Era’s Protein Blend Vintage Brawn.

Vintage Brawn contains a blend of three proteins: egg whites, milk, and beef isolates. Each plays a different role in muscle building. Taken directly from the website

Golden Era athletes relied on eggs, milk, and beef – the Big Three – to build high quality muscle. Today, science is catching up with what these athletes knew all along: that the combined proteins of the Big Three surpass the muscle-building and muscle-preserving properties of whey, or any single source. Why? Because together they deliver a synergistic muscle-building effect that’s more powerful – it kicks in fast and lasts for hours.

Vintage Brawn™ is the first supplement to successfully combine the highest quality isolates of these three prized proteins. Which means you get all the muscle-building power without the extra fat, sugar, or cholesterol – in an incredibly tasty protein powder.

Taken direct from Old School Labs.

Old School Labs is talking a big game about their protein powder. Let’s find out if the product matches up with their marketing hype machine.

Best Place to Buy Vintage Brawn Whey Protein

purchased two, 30-serving containers of Lemon Cheesecake and Tiramisu. Each container is priced at $49.99.

  • 30-servings, $49.99, $1.66 per serving…

$49.99 is a steep price tag for only 30-servings. Old School Labs is offering

  • Auto ship discount of 15% off (doesn’t stack with 15% off all orders… I TRIED)
  • Free S&H all orders over $69.95
  • 4 payments interest free with Sezzle

What did I actually pay? $84.99 for two 30-serving tubes, $42.50 per unit.

  • 30-servings, $42.50, $1.42 per serving.

Does Old School Labs Offer a Money Back Guarantee?

Remember that money-back guarantee? I took advantage of that and this is what I wrote…

Old School Labs Whey Protein Money Back Guarantee Request

Upon using your product for the last 3 weeks and doing some research, your product isn’t great. You advertise a protein powder with 3 isolate blend, but further research.

  • “Beef Protein” is just collagen. Research states that whey protein concentrate is MORE effective in recovery and building muscle than collagen.
  • I’m not receiving the full 24g of protein as advertised on the container. 7.87g of OSL is beef collagen (not effective or helpful in muscle building). In reality, I’m only getting 16g of protein. Of that 16g, I’m sure 13 of those grams are from casein.

How do I start this money-back guarantee?

No Hassle Money Back Guarantee

Customer Service Rep Steve provide a follow-up within 48 business hours. It was a simple, no hassle response.

Thanks so much for your feedback and we are sorry to read that Vintage Brawn wasn’t what you were looking for. I have gone ahead and refunded your order. The funds will post to the original form of payment within a few business days.

I once again apologize for your experience and remain available if you have any questions.

I received a full refund within 48-hours.

Value 4. Reading the website information, you’re thinking, “I’m getting great value for this protein.” Old School Labs whey protein is 100% isolate protein.

Vintage Brawn whey protein is mostly milk portein isolate. Beef protein isolate is COLLAGEN. Think of beef protein isolate as a lightweight in muscle building, not packing the same punch as other proteins.

Is Vintage Brawn Protein Amino Spiked?

Old School Labs was nice enough to provide an amino acid table at my request.

Old School Labs Protein Amino Acid Profile

Here is Old School Labs protein amino acid profile.

Old School Labs Vintage Brawn Amino Table
Per 1 Scoop of Old School Labs Vintage Brawn

I provided information of the naturally occurring BCAAs found in egg whites. Let’s compare and contrast, which is going to be more effective for stimulating muscle protein synthesis.

Breakdown of Old School Labs Tri-Blend Protein Powder

Graph breakdown of Brawn Whey protein
3 Protein Blend Breakdown of Vintage Brawn

It appears that milk protein isolate is the most abundant protein in Vintage Brawn protein. Collagen and egg whites round out the powder. Here are the percentage of each protein type found in Vintage Brawn based off of the company’s amino acid table.

Actual Amount of Protein per Serving Found in Old School Labs Vintage Brawn

Circle graph ranking the amount of each protein found in Old School Labs whey protein
Breakdown of Protein Types in Vintage Brawn
  1. Collagen
  2. Casein
  3. Egg White
  4. Milk Protein Isolate

Key Takeaways of Old School Labs Protein Sources

Vintage Brawn uses a unique blend of egg whites, milk, and beef protein isolates. Each type contributes differently to muscle building, with beef protein isolate being the most prevalent and least effective in this blend.

Egg white protein is the least amount found in Vintage Brawn.

How Much Does Protein Affect Muscle Growth?

Questions that trainers get asked all the time, “How much does protein affect muscle growth?” Answer: A lot.

Having a blended protein is a the standard in the supplement industry. And this is where we compare Old School Labs claim and protein sources found in Vintage Brawn.

Golden Era athletes relied on eggs, milk, and beef – the Big Three – to build high quality muscle.”

  • Egg White Protein
  • Milk Protein Isolate
  • Beef Protein Isolate

This begs the question, Will the 3 protein sources listed in Old School Labs Vintage Brawn build high quality muscle?

Is Egg White Good for Muscle Building?

7 grams of Vintage Brawn comes from egg whites. Are egg whites good for muscle building?

Egg White Protein Impact on Muscle Strength in Female Athletes

Researchers wanted to see if egg white protein helps build muscle in female athletes. They did an experiment with 30 college athletes. The athletes were divided into two groups: one group got 15 grams of egg white protein, and the other group got a carbohydrate drink. They took these every day for 8 weeks before their training.

Here’s what they found:

  1. Both groups, the one taking egg white protein and the one taking the carbohydrate, got stronger and increased their muscle mass.
  2. In the group taking egg white protein, there were changes in their blood that showed they were using the protein.
  3. But, the researchers noticed that these changes didn’t really make a big difference in how much muscle they built compared to the carbohydrate group.
Limitations of the Egg White Research

Researchers use of 15 grams of egg whites had limitations.

  • They didn’t look at how the egg white protein affected things like fat loss or overall health.
  • The study was only for 8 weeks, so they couldn’t tell if the results would last longer.
  • They didn’t compare egg white protein to other types of protein like whey or soy.

So, while egg white protein did show some positive signs, it wasn’t clear if it was better than other options for building muscle. More research is needed to understand its full effects.

Egg White protein found in Vintage Brawn

7 grams of egg white protein is a nice thought. At the same time, 7 grams isn’t enough to stimulate muscle growth.

Egg White Protein and Muscle Growth Key Takeaway

Egg white protein has some benefits for muscle building, but its impact is limited compared to other protein sources. It’s a good ingredient but not the most effective in isolation.

Is Milk Protein Isolate Good For Building Muscle

The next major source of protein found in Vintage Brawn is casein and milk protein isolate: slow digesting protein.

Let’s examin a clamin from Old School Labs.

Milk protein isolate “MPI is a perfect blend of whey and casein that leaves behind virtually all of the fat, sugar (lactose), and other nutritional “baggage.

Each serving contains a total of 24 grams of the “Big Three” proteins: milk (from milk protein isolate, or MPI, with casein and whey in their natural 80:20 ratio)..

Old School Labs, Vintage Brawn
Milk vs. Whey Protein: Equal Muscle Boost in Middle Age

Researchers wanted to see if milk protein (slow digesting protein) and whey protein are equally good at helping muscles grow in middle-aged men.

  • Each participant consumed a shake containing 20 grams of either milk protein or whey protein.
  • Muscle growth was monitored by taking muscle samples before and after shake consumption.
  • Results showed that both milk protein and whey protein equally stimulated muscle growth.
  • Finding was surprising as whey protein is often considered superior.
  • The study indicates both types of protein are effective for muscle growth in middle-aged men.
Old School Labs protein, Vintage Brawn, has an amazing money-back guarantee! Read why Vintage Brawn is not worth your money.

🏋️‍♂️ Vintage Brawn Review: Blend or Bluff? 🤔


Vintage Brawn from Old School Labs mixes egg, milk, and beef proteins, but it’s not all gold.

The beef protein,collagen, falls short in muscle-building efficiency compared to other proteins.

Vintage Brawn is a thick, chalky shake with unique flavors like Lemon Cheesecake and Tiramisu.

Label claims of 24g protein per serving are misleading; it’s more like 16g, thanks to the collagen content.

However, it’s free from artificial ingredients, offering a natural choice. The price is steep, but they offer a money-back guarantee.

  • Unique flavor options
  • Natural ingredients
  • Money-back guarantee
  • Misleading protein content
  • Collagen less effective for muscle building
  • Thick and chalky texture
  • High price per serving
Buy Now
Limitations of milk protein research

The study only looked at men resting, not exercising. Also, they only tested 20 grams of protein, so they don’t know if more or less would work the same way. The study was helpful, but it didn’t tell us everything about how different proteins help muscles grow in middle-aged people.

Milk protein found in Vintage Brawn

The combined amount of milk protein, slow digesting protein, is around 9 grams per serving. 20 grams of protein is the minimum to stimulate muscle building.

Combined amount of stated protein sources in Vintage Brawn is 16 grams

Milk Protein Isolate and Muscle Growth Key Takeaway

Milk protein isolate, a mix of casein and whey, is a slow-digesting protein. It’s as effective as whey for muscle growth, making it a valuable component in the protein blend.

Does Beef Protein Isolate Build Muscle?

What does the science say about beef protein isolate and muscle building?

We have to understand what is beef protein isolate.

Hydrolyzed Beef Protein Isolate is Collagen. Collagen is not a complete protein source, and is high in glycine, proline, arginine, and hydroxyproline. All these labels are just fancy words for what beef protein really is: collagen, gelatin, and left over scraps.

The “Beef Protein” Fad, PEScience
Whey Protein Outperforms Collagen in Muscle Growth for Older Women: Study Reveals

In regards to muscle growth, researchers wanted to compared the effectiveness of whey protein vs collagen.

  • Researchers investigated how different proteins affect muscle growth in older women.
  • 22 healthy older women (average age 69) were divided into two groups.
  • Each group consumed either 30 grams of whey protein (WP) or collagen protein (CP) twice daily for 6 days.
  • Participants also engaged in resistance exercise twice during this period.
  • Muscle protein synthesis (MPS) was measured both immediately and over the longer term.

Whey protein significantly increased muscle growth more effectively than collagen protein, both with and without exercise. Collagen protein only aided muscle growth when combined with exercise, showing its relative ineffectiveness compared to whey.

Limitations of the Collagen Growth STudy
  • Limited Scope: Focused only on older women; results may not apply to men or younger individuals.
  • Specific Protein Types: Only compared whey protein with collagen, excluding other protein sources.
  • Short Duration: Study conducted over just 6 days, limiting long-term effectiveness insights.
  • Single Activity Level: Only included participants engaged in resistance exercise.
Collagen found in Vintage Brawn

If collagen is not the most effective at stimulating muscle growth. Why have 8 grams of collagen in Vintage Brawn?

If you want a more in-depth information on beef protein isolate and protein supplements, check out my review on MRE Lite. I provide a list of other commonly known names of beef protein isolate.

Beef Protein Isolate and Muscle Growth Key Takeaway

While Vintage Brawn contains collagen, it’s less effective for muscle growth compared to more robust proteins like whey. Collagen is a partial protein, not giving you the full muscle-building benefits.

Vintage Brawn Protein Source Key Takeaway

Beware of protein spiking in supplements. Vintage Brawn’s label claims may be misleading, as some of the protein content comes from less effective collagen.

Protein Spiking: 5 (misleading label information). This is the reason why we request an amino table and do our research. It’s nice that Old School Labs provided an amino acid breakdown for each protein type.

Seeing beef collagen (aka “beef protein isolate), inflates the amount of protein. 7.87g of beef collagen doesn’t will not stimulate MPS. Collage will not help with recovery.

How Does Brawn Whey Protein Shake?

Take 12 to 14 fl oz of your favortie liquid. One Scoop of Old School Labs protein.

The first time mixing this protein, I assumed this would be an easy blend. NOPE.

The instructions state to shake or blend for 30 seconds. Follow the directions! If you don’t shake it for a full 30 seconds, you will get that annoying wet/dry residue at the top of your shaker cup.

Brawn Whey Protein is thick and chalky!

There are two possibilities in why Vintage Brawn comes out thick:

  • Milk Protein Isolate (filtered casein)
  • Tapicoa Starch

Mixability: 6. You will get annoyed with Vintage Brawn. Using any liquid you get the same results.

Old School Labs Ingredient List

Does Old School Labs meets its criteria of “never use artificial ingredients, sweeteners, colors, or useless additives?”

Interesting fact: Vintage Brawn contains Mixed Tocopherol, a common pet food preservative. Does knowing this influence your choice of protein supplements? Share your thoughts on how ingredients like this affect your purchasing decisions.

That’s up for debate. Reading the ingredient list, here are the ingredients that bring a red flag for me

  • Tapioca Maltodextrin (flavoring and thickening agent)
  • Mixed Tocopherol, (natural preservative)
  • Silicon Dioxide (anti-caking agent)
Old School Labs Vintage Brawn Whey Protein
Brawn Whey Protein offers all natural ingredients. Dog or cat food preservative doesn’t sound delicious.

I’ve never seen Tapioca Maltodextrin and Mixed Tocopherol used in a protein powder. The ingredients used in this protein powder meets Old School Labs mission statement.

Pet Food Preservatives In Old School Labs Protein

Mixed tocopherol is commonly found as a pet food preservative. Mixed tocopherol is a fat-soluble vitamtin. It’s a form of Vitamin E. Should you worried that a dog/cat food preservative is used in your protein powder? No. I personally don’t like the fact I’m eatting a perservative for pets.

Have you ever tried a protein blend with such unique ingredients? Vintage Brawn combines egg, milk, and beef isolates – an unconventional trio in the protein world. I’d love to hear your experiences with such blends and how they’ve worked for you.

Pet Food Preservatives Key Takeaway

The inclusion of mixed tocopherols, a common pet food preservative, in Vintage Brawn is safe but unusual. It highlights the need to carefully read ingredient lists, even in health supplements

Old School Labs Ingredient List

You could be in three camps right now about Vintage Brawn

  • Tocopherol is a food grade perservative. I don’t mind consuming it.
  • I’ll give Vintage Brawn a try. If I don’t like it, I’ll use the money-back guarauntee
  • I’m not buying Old School Labs protein

If you’re undecided about buying Old School Labs. The only flavor that doesn’t have Tocopherol is chocolate. All the flavors have a form of Tocopherol listed.

Vintage Brawn Ingredient List

Here is Vintage Brawn’s ingredient list

IngredientPurpose/Description in Protein Powder
Golden Era Protein Group
– Milk Protein IsolateA high-quality protein source from milk, providing both whey and casein proteins. Useful for muscle growth and recovery.
– Beef Protein IsolateProtein source derived from beef, rich in essential amino acids and useful for muscle building and recovery.
– Egg White ProteinProvides complete protein from egg whites, containing all essential amino acids for muscle repair and growth.
– High Oleic Sunflower OilAdds richness and improves texture. High oleic oil is a healthier fat choice.
– Tapioca Food StarchA thickening agent derived from tapioca, helps achieve a desirable consistency.
– Tapioca MaltodextrinA carbohydrate sourced from tapioca, used for texture and as a bulking agent.
– Mixed TocopherolsActs as a natural preservative and a source of Vitamin E, also helps maintain the freshness and shelf life of the product.
Natural FlavorsEnhances the taste of the protein powder without artificial flavors.
Silicon DioxideAn anti-caking agent that prevents clumping and ensures smooth mixing.
Cocoa PowderAdds flavor and color to the protein powder, along with natural antioxidants.
Sea SaltImproves taste and can help in replenishing electrolytes.
SucraloseA no-calorie sweetener used to enhance sweetness without adding sugar.
Contains: Milk and EggIndicates the presence of potential allergens, important for users with allergies or sensitivities.
Vintage Brawn’s complete ingredient list.

Ingredient Profile: 8. If you count every ingredient listed, 11. Seeing pet food preservatives is not appealing. Do you want to be ingesting preservatives used to preserve dog food?

Old School Labs protein Nutrition Facts

Serving size: 1 scoop (30.9 g)

  • Calories 110
  • Total Fat: 1 g
  • Total Carbohydrate: 2 g
  • Protein: Listed 24g (Actual, 16g)
  • Sodium 340 mg

Amount of Protein per Serving

Listed totals, the total protein per serving is 78% protein, 22% misc ingredients.

Acutal protein amount per serving is 16g. 16g/30.9g = 52% protein per serving. 16 grams is based around the actual whey found in Vintage Brawn. 8 grams of Vintage Brawn protein is from collagen.

Is Vintage Brawn’s Old School Labs Lactose Free?

I had minimal amount of GI distress.

When’s the Best Time to Drink Vintage Brawn Whey Protein?

Any protein powder is ideal at anytime of the day. With this protein being 33% casein. Vintage Brawn may not be the best post workout shake; drink before bed.

Macro Composition: 5. The actual amount of protein is 16 gram per serving.

How did I come up with 16 grams of protein per serving? I subtracted beef protein isolate from the listed from the nutrition facts.

At first glance, sodium may be similar when compared to other protein powders. Then you realize, you’re going to have to double your serving amount. Almost 700mg of sodium is a lot post workout.

Vintage Brawn Protein Flavor Review

I purchased a tube of Lemon Cheesecake and Tiramisu. The flavor profile is great for both powders.

Lemon Cheesecake
How can you recreate a Lemon Cheesecake in protein powder form? OSL did it and hit the flavor profile. One thing that could have sent this to the next level, graham cracker bits in the protein.

Eating Tiramisu is one of my all-time favorite dessert items. Eating coffee drenched lady fingers is always a treat. You get the hint of the lady fingers, with a nice play of coffee. Delicious!

Both of the flavors are awesome. The flavor you are getting with these protein powders is exactly what you see on the container.

Here is where you may not enjoy Vintage Brawn…

You could be off put by how thick the protein powder tastes.

Vintage Brawn is thick going down. There’s milk shake and there’s Old School Labs thick. For you first timers, don’t slam this shake fast. You are in for a surprise.

Let’s talk flavors! I’ve given my take on Lemon Cheesecake and Tiramisu, but what are your favorite protein powder flavors? Do they make or break your protein shake experience?

Flavor: 8. Lemon Cheesecake and Tiramisu taste amazing. Old School Lab’s whey protein shakes are thick. With that thickness, comes the chalky taste. What Old School Labs advertises on their label, is exactly what you will be tasting.

Is Old School Labs Good?

I dove into Old School Labs’ Vintage Brawn Protein to see if it lives up to its claims. As a NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, Precision Nutrition Nutritionist, and CISSN certified by the ISSN, my approach is hands-on, testing these products in real-life scenarios. My reviews are grounded in personal experience, not just what’s advertised.

Vintage Brawn’s Unique Blend and Claims:

Vintage Brawn offers a unique blend of egg white, milk protein isolate, and beef protein isolate. The brand claims this synergy of proteins provides a powerful muscle-building effect. However, my deep dive revealed some concerns:

  1. Protein Composition: The blend is composed of collagen (beef protein), casein, and egg protein. However, collagen isn’t as effective in stimulating muscle protein synthesis compared to other proteins like whey.
  2. Actual Protein Content: Despite the label claiming 24g of protein per serving, the effective amount is closer to 16g, with collagen forming a significant part.
  3. Misleading Information: The protein spiking score is 5 out of 10, indicating misleading label information. The presence of 33% collagen, which is less effective for muscle building, raises questions about the product’s efficacy.
  4. Mixability: It scores a 6 out of 10. The shake tends to be thick and chalky, requiring thorough mixing to avoid clumps.
  5. Ingredient Profile: Rated 8 out of 10, the product contains 11 ingredients, including Mixed Tocopherol – commonly found in pet food.

Old School Labs’ Vintage Brawn is not the protein powder I recommend. The inflated protein count, use of less effective collagen, and misleading information are significant drawbacks.

While it has a great flavor profile and a hassle-free money-back guarantee, there are more reliable options out there for your muscle-building needs.

To conclude, Vintage Brawn offers a unique protein blend with varying effectiveness. While it has innovative ingredients, the presence of less effective collagen and pet food preservatives might be a concern for some consumers.

The science behind protein supplements can be complex. What’s your take on collagen as a protein source? Do you prioritize certain types of protein in your diet, and why? Your insights could help others make informed choices!

Old School Labs protein, Vintage Brawn, has an amazing money-back guarantee! Read why Vintage Brawn is not worth your money.

🏋️‍♂️ Vintage Brawn Review: Blend or Bluff? 🤔


Vintage Brawn from Old School Labs mixes egg, milk, and beef proteins, but it’s not all gold.

The beef protein, collagen, falls short in muscle-building efficiency compared to other proteins.

Vintage Brawn is a thick, chalky shake with unique flavors like Lemon Cheesecake and Tiramisu.

Label claims of 24g protein per serving are misleading; it’s more like 16g, thanks to the collagen content.

However, it’s free from artificial ingredients, offering a natural choice. The price is steep, but they offer a money-back guarantee.

  • Unique flavor options
  • Natural ingredients
  • Money-back guarantee
  • Misleading protein content
  • Collagen less effective for muscle building
  • Thick and chalky texture
  • High price per serving
Buy Now

Alternatives to Vintage Brawn Whey Protein

Vintage Brawn is not a protein powder I recommend. Only reason why it’s not a total failure, money back guarantee. Here are three, blended protein powders that are in the similar price point.

Ghost Protein Pocket Review

Ghost protein scored 85% in my review. Pros: transparent label, great taste, and mixes great. If you’re someone who is on a budget, it can be pricey. Purchase direct from my Amazon Affiliate link.

Animal Whey Protein Pocket Review

Animal Whey protein scored 80%. Pros: Great if you’re on a budget, digestive enzymes, reputable brand. Knock on Animal Whey protein is that strawberry is an aquired taste. Amazon Affiliate link to buy.

Alani Nu Protein Pocket Review

Alani Nu earned a 78%. The reason why: no amino acid profile was provided. Flavor is on point, mixes great, and if you’re close to the “W,” best value if you’re on a budget. Buy from my Amazon Affiliate link.

Vintage Brawn Whey Protein Review Round Up

Value 4 out of 10
Protein Spiking 5 out of 10 (Spiked, misleading label information)
Mixability 6 out of 10
Ingredient Profile 8 out of 10
Macro Composition 5 out of 10
Flavor 8 out of 10

Old School Labs Protein Review Final Score 36/60, 60%, D


Hida, A., Hasegawa, Y., Mekata, Y., Usuda, M., Masuda, Y., Kawano, H., & Kawano, Y. (2012). Effects of egg white protein supplementation on muscle strength and serum free amino acid concentrations. Nutrients, 4(10), 1504–1517.

Kolschowsky, C. (2023, October 8). The “Beef protein” fad. PEScience.

Kremmer, J. (2023, December 29). Reviewing REDCON1 MRE Lite Review: A protein review to read. JKremmer Fitness.

Mitchell, C. J., McGregor, R. A., D’Souza, R. F., Thorstensen, E. B., Markworth, J. F., Fanning, A. C., Poppitt, S. D., & Cameron‐Smith, D. (2015). Consumption of milk protein or whey protein results in a similar increase in muscle protein synthesis in middle aged men. Nutrients, 7(10), 8685–8699.

Oikawa, S. Y., Kamal, M., Webb, E. K., McGlory, C., Baker, S. K., & Phillips, S. M. (2020). Whey protein but not collagen peptides stimulate acute and longer-term muscle protein synthesis with and without resistance exercise in healthy older women: a randomized controlled trial. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 111(3), 708–718.

Wallace, E. (2021, October 13). Are mixed tocopherols safe in dogs & cat food: Read this first! Pet Releaf.